keep calm and summer on!

summer's selfies!now that i have your attention, let me tell you a little about my girl summer.  may 15th she posted this picture on facebook with the following caption:

“Well in princess crazy world, when you brush your newly grown back hair and it comes our in large chunks you have 2 choices you can let it ruin your day or turn yourself into a human potato head and try facial hair selfies.  I chose the latter.”

she epitomizes beauty and love and has been fighting breast cancer with inspiring grace and unbelievable humor.

have you known someone who has fought an epic battle?  do you recall feeling a sense of helplessness?  it seems that we are not alone.

so what does one do when they feel helpless?  well, in the teachings of my girl princess crazy, we work hard to put more love and kindness into the world.

i challenge all of you to do two things…

  • start looking for occasions when you can practice a random act of kindness and DO IT!  offer someone else who looks exhausted your seat on the train/bus, pay for the person in line after you in the drive through, give a stranger a card wishing them a most spectacular day or even just say it and mean it!  the options are endless…
  • pass this on.  encourage others to take a moment in this crazy fast paced world to step back and share a smile or jump on an opportunity to do something unexpected and nice for someone else.

there is no real way for me to properly convey the strength and awesomeness of summer.  she lives in bloomingdale, il and the city has designated this friday, june 6th as “Keep Calm and Summer On” Random Act of Kindness Day.

to learn more about our tenacious summer and to join the facebook movement for this event this friday, click on summer’s RAOK event !  feel free to share your random acts of kindness with me or with summer as we are working to compile a book for summer that includes the myriad of gestures made in her honor across the globe.  be a part of the magic!

i think amy said it best…

“Please join the movement of random acts of kindness for my dear friend Summer. For those that haven’t had the pleasure of knowing her, think of the best person you know and that’s her. It would mean so much to her if all over the country and world people were doing nice things for other people in honor of her life. Keep Calm and Summer On.”

keep calm and summer on princess crazy!  with boundless love….

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Katrina Madden

11 years ago

I love it. I am definitely going to do some random acts of kindness today! I am going to share it with my kids too and see how much love we can all spread…

Susan Gaetz

11 years ago

I think most everyone can get behind this! When I seize an opportunity to do something nice for someone, I’m going to think “This one’s for Summer!” Hopefully she’ll feel that vibe from all the way down here in Austin, TX!

where would you donate $500? | the life & love of kcw global research

11 years ago

[…] might recall from a previous post keep calm and summer on, how my girl summer started a simple and beautiful movement to pass on love through random acts of […]

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