

i am not always great with change.

sometimes it really hurts.

especially when you mess with my favorite comfort foods.

example 1: my blue box kraft mac and cheese

let’s get right to the brass tax.  i think they have shrunk the noodles.

i was so shattered at the prospect that i took this picture with the fork in the bowl (albeit a large bowl that maybe holds the entire box of mac and cheese) so i could create some context for future reference.  i know it doesn’t help.



chicago, illinois 7.2014

this is…errr was one of my favorite treats on the planet.  i will spare you the rant that i did write and delete because we are focusing on the potential of smaller noodles and not my rocky relationship with kraft blue box as i work towards a healthier lifestyle.  i have not purchased or consumed any blue box since this discovery because A) healthier lifestyle dictates i steer very clear and B) the fact that they might have changed it is just too much for me to bear….

anyone else noticed this? was this a one time bit of personal confusion?

that is what i thought with example 2…but the scenario has repeated itself.

example 2: my stouffer’s french bread pizzas – deluxe

why ohh why would you stop cutting the pepperoni into quarters?  now i have to hand shred them.  sure i was always interacting with the pepperoni making sure that they were evenly distributed across the pizza but that doesn’t make your hands greasy.  shredding the pepperoni does.  it happened a few weeks ago and i prayed it was just a random mistake but then it happened again this week and i think this might be the way of the future… (candidly, i did get better pepperoni coverage but too much work.  please see an au’ natural look beside a hand shredded option…


opelika, alabama 12.2014

example 3: mcdonald’s egg mcmuffin muffin

(okay, so i get that my choices of comfort foods might qualify me for a food intervention but please note that i am working to train myself to really like fruits and vegetables….very slow road…and feeling a bit of food shame right now.)

at this point i suspect that they have only switched the mcmuffin in the alabama market.  “research tastings” in airports across the country and on ashland avenue in chicago appear to still match the original recipe but we might have a switch-a-roo on our hands.  in alabama i have experienced a less bread like mcmuffin that does not really toast as well and doesn’t seem to have the same binding characteristics as

am i alone on these?  have you noticed these changes or others in the products you buy and eat?  please share them in the comment section below…

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how am i still alive?

not too long ago i was faced with trying to process/re-acquanit myself with all of the food in my pantry.  this happens every few years or so and is often driven by the discovery of some pretty old expiration dates by myself or even worse, a friend.i can ramble on about the reasons behind how this happens (e.g., never home, live alone, do not cook often) but upon bringing up this issue on Facebook i learned that i am not alone.

many many of us ignore expiration dates and we are all still alive!  this was thrilling news – but maybe a bit unsettling for those of you who i cook for if you are not of this mindset.

recently, a friend’s dad shared an article about the creation of a gelatin label that could help limit waste by more accurately determining when the food has actually spoiled/gone bad.  here are some highlights from Adele Peters’ article:

“The next time you start to toss an “expired” carton of milk, consider this: Dates on packages don’t actually have anything to do with food safety or FDA regulations. Instead, the dates are a somewhat arbitrary indication of when a manufacturer thinks food might be freshest, and most food will likely be fine for days or weeks afterward.




this past week i had the pleasure of traveling to new orleans for the qualitative research consultants association (QRCA) annual conference.  and yes, i am geeking out over some of the cool nuggets i got that i cannot wait to start implementing on monday….but i digress…after enjoying an amazing bowl of chicken and andouille gumbo and a…wait for it… deep-fried break pudding po boy at ye olde college inn in the airport, i was making my rounds in the hudson news and discovered this amazing NEW gem of a package………..


new orleans airport, 10.2014


as i was standing at the gate i carefully opened the outer package with incredible anticipation.  i sort of felt like ralphie from “a christmas story” when he was working to decode his weekly little orphan annie secret message.

some notable points on the package include: stickers with product information (suggesting this is an international product trying to meet our regulations), that this is a new tictac offering all together with crystals (read = “xylitol”), and that it is “exclusive to travelers” (and with travelers misspelled with two l’s – oops!).

once i had carefully opened the outer package and removed the second thin plastic layer my enthusiasm had grown – as had my audience as i started my own little focus group regarding the package while waiting to board – and this is the magic that i found!



shush up is right!  it has a slide door for picking out the product and a flip top as well for pouring!  the package is a bit big for your pocket but is definitely new and interesting….so of course i went back into the hudson news and bought all of the flavors in fear that i might not find this package again.

not sure on the verdict on the product itself…sadly, more of a candy versus a proper mint but i guess that is the tictac way.  my new friends at the gate appeared to like it but candidly, i was so excited that i might have biased them (or just in general, freaked them out).

SO, what are your reactions to this package?  have you seen any other candy packages that stand out as notable?  share it in the comments below… and be sure to come back and check the comments as there are some really amazing packages that are being shared….

and just because i know you all wanted to know what a deep-fried bread pudding po boy looks like…


i am not sure my body will ever recover from the new orleans culinary delicacies i enjoyed on this trip.  in fact, i think it is still trying to catch up from the minnesota state fair adventure of 2010….


and the winner is…..

…the humane society!

please meet ella.  super cute right? she was adopted from this local humane society by our lucky drawing winner michele.  ella is michele’s second cat from this humane society, first one named cali, and she has been so impressed by the work they do that she chose them as the beneficiary of the $500 prize money!


further, michele has earmarked the donation money to be used to purchase the Stretch and Scratch cat scratchers on their shelter wish list with the remaining money going to the purchase of cat food, cat toys, and other supplies purchased to care for the cats and kittens they bring into the shelter.

great choice michele!

happy friday to all!

not sure what this is all about?  check out this previous post to gather the details: where would you donate $500?


nod to an innovator

when was the last time you experienced something and felt that it was true amazing mind blowing innovation?sadly, i am not sure it happens too often which makes it all the more inspiring when it inevitably consumes you in its awesomeness!

why is it so hard to find?  well, i think there are varying degrees of innovation.  innovation can be something small like copa’s single serving wine product that comes in a cute glass for immediate consumption or it can be like netflix changing the way we watch a show like house of cards by releasing the whole season in one swoop.  or it can be big, really really big, and this is where i want to focus for today.

this july my company, kcw global research, is so very proud and appreciative to be celebrating 8 years of helping companies sculpt brands and ideas across the world.  insane.  so excited.

to celebrate this milestone i treated myself to a fundraiser for the frontera farmer foundation which happened to be hosted by rick bayless and his wife deann in their garden at their house.

what does this have to do with innovation?

so glad you asked.

rick bayless is an innovator, of the hard core upper echelon variety.  he believes in utilizing local food in his restaurants and supporting those local farms with his frontera farm foundation.

local food kate?  really?  that says innovation to you?

ummm… you check out a fontera tortas restaurant in o’hare or the philadelphia airport where they serve locally sourced high-quality ingredients IN THE AIRPORT.  and they did not open last week.  and the food is delicious.  yep, there is a guac bar….and fresh margaritas if that is how you roll.

i really respect rick for his ability to push boundaries of what is possible, like serving “real food” in airports, and for his many efforts to actually help farmers be more effective and successful through the grants given by his foundation.

so all of the above it true but i am building up to where he blew my mind.


cascabel with rick bayless

cascabel, lookingglass theater, chicago 3.2012

they call it a play but it is really an experience like no other.  you sit in the audience and you watch the performers, including rick bayless, sing, act, and perform beautiful flamenco dancing and insane physical feats you would expect in a circus act all tied into a beautiful love story…but there is more!

imagine watching rick bayless cooking food on stage that so intricately links into the story line and then see him serving the characters the food he has prepared…and then having someone serve you the SAME food so you are eating it with the cast.  brilliant!  and rather delicious i might add.

he took something we are all familiar with in some capacity, theater, and made it his own.  he made it 1,000,000% rick bayless.  and this is why on my 8th anniversary i would like to share this experience with you and to challenge you to add a little more innovation into what you do and to open yourself to seeing and experiencing the spectacular innovation that is lurking around…


can you think of something you have experienced that felt innovative to you?  maybe an experience?  a bite of food?  a product?  a package?  please share in the comment section below.


interested in learning more about cascabel?  if you are in chicago or will be this month then you might be able to!  due to popular demand it is back on the stage for a second run at the lookingglass theater:


keep calm and summer on!

summer's selfies!now that i have your attention, let me tell you a little about my girl summer.  may 15th she posted this picture on facebook with the following caption:

“Well in princess crazy world, when you brush your newly grown back hair and it comes our in large chunks you have 2 choices you can let it ruin your day or turn yourself into a human potato head and try facial hair selfies.  I chose the latter.”

she epitomizes beauty and love and has been fighting breast cancer with inspiring grace and unbelievable humor.

have you known someone who has fought an epic battle?  do you recall feeling a sense of helplessness?  it seems that we are not alone.

so what does one do when they feel helpless?  well, in the teachings of my girl princess crazy, we work hard to put more love and kindness into the world.

i challenge all of you to do two things…

  • start looking for occasions when you can practice a random act of kindness and DO IT!  offer someone else who looks exhausted your seat on the train/bus, pay for the person in line after you in the drive through, give a stranger a card wishing them a most spectacular day or even just say it and mean it!  the options are endless…
  • pass this on.  encourage others to take a moment in this crazy fast paced world to step back and share a smile or jump on an opportunity to do something unexpected and nice for someone else.

there is no real way for me to properly convey the strength and awesomeness of summer.  she lives in bloomingdale, il and the city has designated this friday, june 6th as “Keep Calm and Summer On” Random Act of Kindness Day.

to learn more about our tenacious summer and to join the facebook movement for this event this friday, click on summer’s RAOK event !  feel free to share your random acts of kindness with me or with summer as we are working to compile a book for summer that includes the myriad of gestures made in her honor across the globe.  be a part of the magic!

i think amy said it best…

“Please join the movement of random acts of kindness for my dear friend Summer. For those that haven’t had the pleasure of knowing her, think of the best person you know and that’s her. It would mean so much to her if all over the country and world people were doing nice things for other people in honor of her life. Keep Calm and Summer On.”

keep calm and summer on princess crazy!  with boundless love….

stopped me in my tracks!

(so the last pig post was a little disturbing so i wanted to lighten things up a little with this stunner of a package…)

in chicago we have a relatively new food market called plum.  they are like whole foods in their more natural food but they also have a pretty broad selection of international brands and products…and a cheese selection that can bring a cheese lover to their knees!

while shopping for a variety of cheeses for the annual christmas tree party, a package on a shelf near the end cap caught my eye.

it was true love at first sight.

i couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

it exuded a sense of quality through its branding and old school, almost vintage material and design.

i had to have it.

did i know what the product actually was?  i kinda read the label but i did not care and it did not matter what it said.  probably strawberry related and who does not like strawberries?

then i looked at the price.  this led me to re-read the product description because i assumed it is a strawberry related product due to the package but there must be more in there at this price point.  are they diamond encrusted strawberry fruits in syrup?  a caviar and strawberry fruit and syrup mixture?  alas, it was just 21 ounces of fabbri strawberry fruit and syrup.  but for true love there was no dissuading me from my purchase.



chicago, 12.2013

beautiful right?  i will let you take a moment to fully grasp the beauty of this package.  i do hope that the density and quality of the material is coming through in the photo (otherwise i might sound a little more off than usual).

i still have yet to try it.  i am not sure what i am saving it for exactly but i am optimistic that it will be the best “strawberries in heavy syrup” that i have ever consumed!

it is not often that a package will stop me in my tracks.  but when it does, the wonderment around the power of a successful package just makes me smile!

curious as to the price?  i could just tell you but think it might be more fun if you try guessing in the comment box below (and no cheating!)…


oui s’il vous plaît

picture it.rainy day in paris and you stop into a cute little cafe to have a bit of a nosh with some heart healthy wine.

you settle into your chair and start perusing the menu and see this as an option….

IMG_2540paris 5.2012

i must say it wasn’t quite what i was expecting.  oddly, this was the only item on the menu that brought the core ingredient back to its roots.

beyond their choice to include a LIVE pig, i found their actual choice of pig visual a bit disturbing.  sort of glad there is no eye contact but he looks as if he is asking for you to please not order the grilled pork through his prison bars.

i obliged.  the steak was delicious.




finding it hard to believe that a box of rice could get you excited?!if yes, then clearly you have never been rice shopping in san martin, argentina.

the success of this particular package is not really driven by traditional measurements but by the sheer fun and craziness of it.

am i building up enough excitement and anticipation yet?

ladies and gentlemen i present you with lucchetti’s diana arroz.


san martin, argentina 3.2012

yes, this package really exists.  awesome right?  but wait.  it gets better.  the advertising campaign that accompanies the package takes us all to yet another level i am not sure i knew even existed.

check it out…. i promise you will not be disappointed…

you are so very welcome!